the first sameAs, david byrne, and the web

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I’ve been on quite a Talking Heads kick this week – quite possibly prompted by the first sameAs this past Monday evening  (or quite possibly because I just *really* love “Stop Making Sense” 😉 )

//cue “Once in a Lifetime”

Right, back to the event. First off, an enormous thank you to all of you lovely folks who made it out for our inaugural event (and special thanks to Carolina and Steve for their fine media additions). The first video of David Weinberger’s talk is now up, thanks to the fine Steve Allen – with Arfon’s and John’s to come. And if it’s not clear from the fact that I’m in some of these photos ;), many thanks to Carolina Ödman for her stunning black and white photography (all images featured here under a CC-BY-SA-2.0 licence, full set available here, and flickr group here.) We’re really grateful to you both for helping us capture the event.

Given some of the back channel response during but largely after the event, I’d venture a guess that the talks struck exactly the right note:  informal, provocative, with a bit of humor wedged in to keep the audience on their toes. Personally some of the gems for me included David’s quip that “Skulls don’t scale, networks do”, Arfon’s data comparison to the Oprah viewing audience, and John’s eloquent way of describing his main task at Magnatune of “selling customer happiness”. There is quite a lot more to add to that, and I hope you check out the videos and podcasts when those become available to see for yourselves. I’ll be posting links to them here as they’re posted.

And do take a look through some of the images of the night. Many of you will spot some familiar faces, and hopefully some new ones, as well.

Thanks again to all of you who joined in person or sent support through the interwebs. And mark your calendars – the next sameAs is scheduled for 22 November (we’re putting a bit more fun into Mondays). More to come at

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